Pinning Away
- by Brenda Phelps
Better Than a Toaster: Unforgettable Wedding Gifts
Wedding season is upon us! For the bride, a wedding starts with her dreamt-about knight in shining armor. After that, it’s all about the big event and preparing for a happily ever after. A favorite and long-time tradition is for …
- by Bold Commerce Collaborator
Mapping Your New Journey Together: The Paper Anniversary
For most couples, their first wedding anniversary, also known traditionally as the paper anniversary, is both a time of joy and a time of great triumph. This special occasion exists to celebrate the day that they stood hand-in-hand and vowed to spend the rest of their lives joined together in a partnership of love.
- by Brenda Phelps
Our Travel Map Wedding Seating Chart – How to
When Mike and I were planning our wedding for May 2013, I came up with the idea to use one of our maps as a map wedding seating chart. It turned out really well and people thought it was really cool, so I thought I would share it here in case anyone wanted to use it as inspiration for their own upcoming wedding.