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May 04, 2014 2 min read

Mike & Brenda“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” Sound familiar?These words from St. Augustine are ones that Brenda and I try to live by. We may not be the fastest readers or have the latest and greatest books but we have a never ending desire to read as many pages as we can during our short time on this beautiful Earth.

Oftentimes you will find us planning our next trip or day dreaming about going to all of the places on our bucket lists. I am a big sports fan and have managed to convert Brenda into an even bigger one. We love to follow our favorite teams around the country to see new stadiums and explore new cities. So far our favorites have been Fenway Park and the Dallas Cowboys Stadium. Our favorite destinations have been Santorini, Greece and Rome, Italy both of which we went to on our honeymoon in June, 2013. This mutual love of travel has drawn us together as well as inspire us to create Push Pin Travel Maps as a fun way to track our travels and adventures together.

After searching to the end of the internet for an awesome map to track our travels and turning up empty handed, Push Pin Travel Maps was born. We believed we could create a higher quality and better looking map with more value than anything in existence. And that is exactly what we did! Built from the ground up while starting in our garage, Push Pin Travel Maps is giving customers a way to track, share and dream about their travels. We take great pride in giving fellow travelers a great quality product with exceptional customer service and a personal touch.

Mike & Brenda

Mike & Brenda Go Lions!

Michael Phelps
Michael Phelps

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