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Where to Visit in the Dominican Republic
  • by Push Pin Travel Maps

Where to Visit in the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is home to luxury resorts and gorgeous beaches making it the perfect island getaway. The geography is diverse, ranging from semi-desert areas to lush forests and giant mountains, offering travelers many options to create the perfect vacation. Read on to learn about the top rated places and attractions to visit on your next trip to the Dominican Republic.

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Gili Islands, Indonesia
  • by Push Pin Travel Maps

5 Unique Beaches You Must Visit in Your Lifetime

Crashing waves, warm sunshine, swaying palm trees, and golden sand...just a few of the things we daydream about when planning a beach vacation. If you are looking for some inspiration for your next beach getaway, then read on to explore our list of top unique beaches to visit the next time you plan a trip to the shore.

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